I have been reading Exodus for my morning quiet time this week, and do you know what? God never compromises. Now, some might say, He did with Abraham over Sodom and Gomorrah. Not really, Moses was trying to compromise, but God did exactly what He had determined to do. God doesn't bend to the will of men. There may be no better example of this, than when God called Moses to tell Pharoah to Let His people go. Look at all the places where God was called to compromise.
Chapter 5- Moses first approaches Pharoah with the message. Pharoah's response? The people have too much time on their hands, make their burden heavier! Verse 20-25, the people and Moses say...Why? stop! You have made it worse....compromise. Basically they called for The Lord to settle here with Pharaoh's new terms. But Gid will not compromise.
Chapter 8- After the third plague and with the threat of the fourth, Pharoah offers a compromise. (V.25) go worship, but IN the land. Now this is way better than his first offer! I can imagine the people saying, "take it, this is way better than what we've had." The problem is God's word is God's word. What He says He means. He will not compromise.
Chapter 10- The threat of the 8th plague has bent the resolve of Pharoah. He offers a compromise (v.8-11). You may go out of the land, but only the men. This is a big step! What a deal! The men could leave and worship in the promised land?! The problem was, God word's is not up for compromise, even with such a "great" offer of hope.
(Later in) Chapter 10- after the 9th plague, Pharoah offers his best deal yet. All the people can go, just leave your stuff! Wow! The world today would kill Moses and attack his Lord for denying such an offer. How greedy can you be? Don't use women and children as pawns to be casualties to your heard headed faith convictions! How much you must hate the people to hold to God's word in light of the harm that you will cause! Heartless, spiteful. God's word was not up for compromise.
Chapter 11:31-32- God's word is filled completely! If the poeple of God would have rejected the truth of God in exchange for peace with Pharoah, not only would they have made the God they worship their enemy, they would never have know the full blessing, the full freedom that comes when we are unwilling to compromise His standards.
In our country churches, Christian charities, moms, dads, and young adults are compromising God's word because of pressure, feelings, desires...a little peace somewhere (inside themselves or with those around them.) The world around us is saying "compromise." You can serve God and use His words however you please. Get the best deal that helps you sleep at night, raise more money, fill more seats at church. The problem is, although we think we are making a good deal for ourselves and God, when we do these things we are actually sell God out, and then pretend that He affirms our word/wants over His. This simply doesn't work. The peace that you have comes because "Pharoah" isn't attacking and the "Egyptians" are smiling, not because God's will has been done.
I understand. No one wants to be at war. Especially with their child or friend. All indicators point to the fact that if we don't compromise, if we don't tweak God's word, then we will have war. Check this out, the people of Isreal never lifted a hand! In Fact, God tells them in Ex.14:14, don't fight, be still, I've got this! We are called to love and live by the Word of God. Don't steal your own joy by compromising on the Word of God. Don't make yourself and "unintentional" enemy of God by taking a deal that compromises His word. His plans for you and I are too bright! He will provide, trust Him to not only sustain you, but the protect and let you thrive when you follow Him all the way. (Those whispers that say otherwise are not a new tactic, they've lost the battle many times over, but what else can a dying foe of The Lord do but whisper his threats as he sees his life slipping away?) Don't be afraid....smile, The Lord will fight for you, too!