Today, Christi's "Pop" (grand father) went to be with The Lord. This was not a suprise. For the past few days, we knew that he would soon be home, and I am glad to say that he was ready in every way. I have known Pop well for the past 16 years, ever since I was embraced as part of the family. He was a deacon. That is the way that I would describe him....yes he held the "office," but really that was just who he was. (Some pastor or group of people were just blessed enough to see it and give that title to him one day.) He was a servant of The Lord, Jesus Christ. I got to see this through the eyes that only a few ever did.
Before I was a part of Christi's family, I didn't know him as Pop, just Christi's grandfather. From this point of view, I saw a man who coveted his family as a gift from The Lord. It seemed as though his ministry was dependant on having his house in order...I mean that in the best possible way. His wife, children and grandchildren alll loved their Pop deeply. His infectious joy for The Lord was a continuous gift to them, and it was displayed in a variety of ways.
After I married Christi, I was part of the family, an adopted grandchild by Granny and Pop and I became a recipient of the joy from the inside. As a minister, having a Pop has been a major blessing. Oh, Pop always had ideas and wanted to talk shop, but once those talks were over, he would reveal his real goal of the encourage me in the faith and share his pride and joy that we were living out the call that The Lord had placed upon our lives.
Losing him this week has been a joyful burden at the Adams' home. We will miss him dearly, but the joy of The Lord that he helped sew in us is still evident in this time. Christi, Ashley, Connor and I have talked a lot about Pop this week and sadness has never been a part of our conversation. Connor thinks it is amazing that Pop will get to spend Easter with Jesus...both risen and residing in Heaven. Ashley has joined in with Christi talking about the celebration that will be had on both sides of eternity- in Heaven and the one we will have on our side. It is simple to mourn, but not easy. Pop knows the full love of Christ now and his mirror is no longer dimly lit, but bright as the noon sun! I love that part of Pop's life and legacy...his joy in the love of Christ, was passed to his children, grandchildren, and my children. The gift of having a family that smiles joyfully through their tears when saints fall asleep is beyond repayment.
When Connor became a Christian he asked why people don't just end their life so they can get to heaven? We laugh about that now, because my answer was that "we are not supposed to cut in line!" Connor, all these years later knows that "cutting in line" is not part of God's plan, because he has seen what it means to "live is Christ." Yet my children, nor anyone in my home, fears death because we know the same Savior that Pop met all those years ago, Jesus Christ.
"Death, where is your sting?" Jesus destroyed it on that very first Easter and today, His saving work is evidenced in the homecoming that Pop is enjoying today.
You may or may not have a "Pop" in your life, but this Jesus....our source of joy...He is just as available to you this Holy Week.