I had a great idea: Walk for 1/2 mile, then run all out for a 1/2 mile...wash rinse repeat until we got home. Sounded like a great idea at the time. The first run was fast (for us) and it felt great! Then the next walk happened. What happened was amazing. My speed at walking was at a pace 2 min/mi slower than my first leg. Before I knew it, it was time to run again. This pace was almost 3 min/mi slower than my first run! My good idea was not working.
I felt great as I prepared for the run and the sprint of the first 1/2 mi was awesome, but after that it felt like I had a 10 pound weight on each leg. It didn't matter if I was walking or running...it was harder than normal. I wasn't that winded. My pulse wasn't racing, my legs were just dragging.
As I muscled through it the Lord kept bringing to mind how often we do this in our Christian walk. Have you ever felt the tug of God on your life? Maybe multiple times throughout life? You "stretch" out and prepare for His Direction, then He gives you a glimpse of His plans and "Pow!"... it's like you just heard the starting gun go off at an Olympic sprint...you're off! It feels great running so hard for the Lord. The only problem is after a short time, you need a break, your spiritual legs feel like weights are on them, and all of the sudden not only are you "not sprinting" you are hurting, tired, and questioning the Lord.
In this time ask yourself, "Did God ask you to Sprint? Did he ask you to follow or lead?" Sometimes we are so "ready" to be done waiting that when we get a glimpse of God's plan we take off with a smile...but if God isn't finished speaking, then we are running FROM Him not FOR Him. (and we don't even know it!)
The word persevere ran through my head as I struggled with my legs!
Over and over in scripture God calls believers to persevere! His desire isn't for a man who tires himself out with short sprints of faithfulness, but a man who steadily follows the PACE that God, Himself set for him.
Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you.
1 Timothy 4:16
I see way too many brothers and sisters in Christ running their spiritual life, looking like they are toiling with weights on their legs as they make their way. You can take those off now. Our race is a long one, not a sprint. Persevere, listen closely and let God set your pace!
(You get to the goal MUCH quicker!)