Ok...I love this image. As a dad...for sure, but maybe more for what it tells me. No, my kids aren't perfect. If you've met them you know they have their flaws like the rest of us, but I can say with confidence that there are moments...and those moments seem to occur more regularly...that God teaches me something as I watch them.
Remember when you were going to change the world? What life was going to be like when you were an adult? The fullness that your life was going to be? The meaningful place you were going to hold in the universe? As kids we were idealistic, we knew (or believed we knew) what was right, good, and worthwhile. What happened? Are you there? Is life as a grown-up what you thought it would be?
Many times we reason away our life "not as we dreamed it" situation. As a child, we didn't really know what we were talking about. We didn't understand the importance of a nice car, house, the cost of clothing, or electricity. We didn't understand work dynamics, feeling tired, or the responsibility that we do now as an adult. So in other words, we think MATURITY, is what we didn't have as a child that we have now and that maturity helps us accept the compartment we live in. Job...pays the bills. Church...checks off the box. Marriage...not too bad (not a Disney movie either). Maturity, yeah that's it.
Is that what "abundant life" we read about in scripture looks like? I don't think so. I think maybe, just maybe, maturity isn't defined the way we think it is. There are some things we let go of as a child that we should get back! You already knew this didn't you? Isn't it part of the reason we are so committed to our children's football, baseball, band, volleyball games? Do you love participating? I do. It stirs us something in me when I coach, cheer, watch my kids succeed and improve. I love it when they win too! It fills my tank!
I was thinking on these things as I read John chapter 4 this morning. You know, the story of Jesus talking with the woman at the well. (It's a long read but worth it if you can make time for it today.)
You see this woman was mature. She had been following her pursuits as an adult...relationships were plenty in her love life even. Ok, so adulthood wasn't all she thought it would be. In fact, she was at the well around noon. Most people traveled to get water in the morning or evening. It was the social hub for the ladies. (kinda like a biblical Starbucks). Well, she was tired of the drama and the looks. I assume she was just trying to get through the day, hoping for a bright spot or two to relieve her mundane routine. Now that was the situation in John 4:6-7.
In John 4:28-42, something changed! She is running into town, talking to everybody! Daring them to dream that their life could be more! There is a light in her eyes and a passion in her speech! She's not intimidated by anything or anyone! She is bold! She is going to change the world!
What happened? JESUS did! Now, I know you may be thinking, I know Jesus...good, don't stop reading! I think there was a truth that changed this woman and will also change you. Jesus said in v.14 that he would give her a "spring of water welling up to eternal life." This doesn't mean she could "get saved" and life would be full. No, this is a promise, a daily, moment by moment promise. A change the world kind of promise! You see our relationship with Christ is active. He constantly is producing this living water in our spirit so you and I will never have to thirst (for meaning, for life to the full) ever. There is only ONE WAY you and I can be thirsty for such things if we have a relationship with Christ...hold your breath. Don't drink it...intentionally. What happens is dehydration. This make you feel weak, tired, restless. Ever felt this way in your faith? You see when you and I first came to know CHRIST, I bet your mouth was open all the time! You were so full of water that everyone you walked by got wet! But somewhere along the way you started holding your breath.
Can't drink today JESUS...not enough time.
I have responsibilities that need the best of me today Lord, I'll take a sip when I can, but this is REAL life I am working with.
My kids need my attention, if I get a break (and feel like it) I will give you some too.
You know all of these MATURE reasons. What if...just maybe-The answer to life abundantly is welling up inside of you and you are just so busy "doing life" that you forgot it. You see our faith IS our way of life. It is the way we change the world! Our faith at work, with our kids, with our wife, in our church, as we travel...everywhere we go our faith in Jesus is welling up waiting to make a splash on the world around us!
Your Job...mission field. Your family...your disciples. Your church...your filling tank. Make the most of it. Maybe, just maybe, you ARE meant to change the world! I think so. Take a drink...you don't ever have to thirst again.