I have stayed pretty quiet on many of the political debates raging in our country. Not because they are unimportant or I lack an opinion (if you know me, I always have an opinion), but more so, because I have not felt compelled to speak...until now.
My compulsion doesn't come from a place of anger or fear Romans 8:28 provides us with a peace
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
I believe fully what scripture tells us. If I, and anyone else who professes Christ, truly trusts the Lord and loves Him... heart, mind and body...God, Himself, is working for His good and mine. If God is for me, what power does any man have to stand against Him?
My compulsion comes from a need to REPEAT, not create. My opinion is not that important. Instead, I feel like I need to repeat what Scripture says on the issue of gender. Is this a proclamation? Sure, but it is also a reminder. A reminder to those who claim that name of Christ, those who would label themselves "christian" or "Christ-follower."
Read what God wrote in Genesis 1:27
God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
Gender is "God Assigned," not man given. It is not determined by a short-sighted doctor at delivery. This is the beauty of knowing God is BIGGER than us. How many illegitimate, life-changing decisions would I have made as a teenager going through puberty if I would have been told that my ways were higher than His? Haven't we all felt uncomfortable in our own skin at times and wanted to change something? What has kept us from trying to over-ride His ways? Christ alone, and praise God, He protected me from such a low view of Him.
You see, some things are God assigned. I truly believe that the conversation that has embraced our country from the White House to voices in our local community is not an attack on American values. I believe it is the scheme of sinful man to once again attack our Creator. It is disguised well? Yes, but do not be fooled, you Christian are not the main target. Baseball and Cracker-Jacks...the American Dream is not its foe. No, this one is aimed at Christ, Himself.
Where do we stand?
Whom else would I stand with, Christ holds the words to eternal life. (John 6:68)
What shall I do?
The Lord will fight for you...be still (Ex. 14:14)
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” (Rom. 12:19)
Church we are called to trust the Lord, live for Him and stand with Him. If we sin in our actions "fighting for God" we squeeze Him out of the situation. We must behave in a way that people "will see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven." And if it comes to it, and we are asked, like the disciples in Acts 5, to obey a command that is an attack against God, then our actions and answers are already given...
"But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men."
Church, be alert. Be faithful. Be loving.
In these things, know that the one who is being attacked has been attacked since the fall. He was not concerned then, and He is not threatened now.
Pray without ceasing and make sure that you are careful where you stand, lest you fall.
Keep your eyes on Him, follow His command, stand firm in your faith.
We know who has already won this one!