
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

This is my Family

I wish I had the patience to put 1,000 more pictures in this collage! I love my family. So often, when I say family, it is just the picture in the middle of them all that people think of. My family is SO much more! It reaches around the world, beyond city limits, across cultures. Outside of my relationship with Christ, it is my most valuable gift in this life!

Do you know what the people in the pictures all have in common? They have been loved by God, but not only that, they have embraced that love by exchanging their life for the life God offered them through Christ Jesus! This bond is more important than blood, borders, and political parties. They win in my book...if anything threatens to rip us will not stand (or at least I would do all that I can to break down that barrier). I love them so much, if they win and I lose...I celebrate with them. When they hurt, I am in pain. If they they celebrate...even hundreds or thousands of miles away...I do too. If they stumble and fall in their faith, I want to be there to help (not just tickle their ears). Do you know what? I know they feel the same way about me! Family is amazing!

Something has been happening in our family. (The family called the church) Things are dividing us. Preferences. Perspectives. Soft Hearts. Hard Hearts. Can I tell you that I understand, but it's not ok.

My Family has a value system (given by our Father)

A famous Pastor's wife and her husband, in reaction to the harshness of some christians, recently called homosexuality "holy." I have read and reread their perspectives and their conclusions. Honestly, it has little to do with the Bible (although I know they would disagree), but more to do with the pain that was being inflicted on people's lives by the staunchness of God's word...and honestly, the anger of some who have been its conduit. I get it. My heart breaks for this too. Why, because it is a family issue. Those who are in the family and those who I pray will one day be a part of it.  Here's the truth...Eph. 4:14-15 tells us that we weren't meant to be tossed around by crafty, cunning, even sweet attempts to placate those in or outside of our family...instead speak the truth in LOVE. This leads to maturity, growth. That's what I want for my family.

God didn't make us to be saved and still captured to sin. 

I love my family too much to try to make scripture leave them that way. God came to set us all free from the deep sin that has bound us to death. God saved me and my family to know a full that is beyond the trials that ends in hope. That hope, won't disappoint (Rom. 5:5) So, no, I can't encourage my family to think that a life bound to sin is holy...I just love them too much. 

Listen..."speak the truth in LOVE." Church, this means us! We live in a world where it feels like the message is either APPROVE OF ME or YOU HATE ME. I get it. It breaks my heart and often frustrates me too. That doesn't give us a right to stop loving. It doesn't give us a right to lash out in anger. Make threats or laugh when we feel like "our view is winning." That's not how family acts. We ARE held to a higher standard. We HAVE to act, live, speak above the fray. If we don't...we...and no one to blame for the division that is rupturing the church. We can be strong and firm, but still show a passionate love. (I mean, I do it daily with my children...and Christi does it with me!) 

Jesus was truthful with those outside the family, but stern in his correction of those claiming to be in the family. We need to stop yelling at or pacifying those who are lost and hurting in sin's grasp and start correcting and rebuking with God's Word (2 Tim 3:16) those who are acting in an ungodly way towards others. 

You may already assume this, but let em put it in print. Anyone claiming Christ and watering down God's are in sin, stop. You are leading others to death. To anyone painting hate, spewing hate, pushing back, making others feel small or letting your personal bias hurt the church or those for whom Christ are sinning, stop

My Family is Multi-Racial and I LOVE IT!

I was talking to a friend one time that said in their church a deacon teaching Sunday School wouldn't use the curriculum that month because it featured a family that was a different color on it. My blood started to boil! How insane! This person in a slave to sin! If I were his pastor, he would be de-deaconed, de-commissioned and put under discipline to lead him to repentance and restoration. 

Church, especially those who are of my complexion ;) I know that the vast majority, if not all of those close to me know this and agree, but we need to say it out is not a privilege to be born a certain color. Every skin tone that God has given is a gift! The variety of skin tones in the world is a blessing! We should honor those who look different. Love the diversity. Heaven will look that let's start the party now! This is going to take understanding, and believe me, as we draw near to those who's skin is different, you will find out that you see the world from different points of view. You may even be tempted to say, "that's silly, why would you think about such and such that way." Don't say that. Instead receive it, don't defend, don't lash out, let it settle and speak words of encouragement (Heb. 3:13). Love by listening. I've not been a minority in America, so who am I to say what it feels like? I can love my family, especially those of a different color, and let them know that I am with them. I will care for them as family. I will love them as family. I will defend them as family...because they are. (It's hard to wipe the smile off my face as I write this!) 

Now, tenderly. To those who are in my family, who are a different color or come from a different culture. You are called to minister to those who God has created in a different color or culture than you also. I need to to be alert to the enemy. (1 Peter 5:8).  I'm not talking some mythical enemy, but the one who whispers in your ear. Who tells you to interpret someone's actions or opinion in a negative way. Who would tell you to assume what has offended you is intentional or worse "deep seeded" even "subliminal" hate. Hoping that way is sinning. (1 Cor. 13:7) 

Our Family love, hopes the best. 

Don't talk around to people who will agree with your offense. Go and visit with a brother or sister who has offended you.  Share your perspective and give them opportunity to unpack their words or actions...then trust them. Love them enough to believe them, even if you core struggles with this.

No matter our race, our family is multi-racial and we can't have it any other way. Christianity is not a "race first" religion. It is a Christ first, melting pot religion...Wow! What a masterpiece!

My family is never needs to worry. 

The election...whew. I have been so careful in how I have spoken about this. Some people I know think I hate "Trump," (I don't) while others believe I hate "Hilary."(again, I don't) I don't know if that means I've done a good job or a bad one. (Truth is, probably both at different times)

I need to open up a little. The Bible is not up for a vote. I can't vote for any platform that directly opposes tenants of the Word. Listen, I party Republican, Democrat, Green, Libertarian, etc has a "bible specific" platform, but for me. their are lives that can't protect themselves that I cannot give up on for convenience. For example, our bodies are not our own, we've been bought with a price.(1 Cor. 6:20) I believe in life. Even those who have sinned so much that death is a sentence...I hope for repentance, not to champion their death. I want our family to grow! I want our world to be cared for and creation to declare God's beauty! It's not about making's about relationship built upon God's foundation and you and I reaching out to those who need that life changing love!

I have spoken with people I love talking of how our laws in the States can't be tied to Christianity. They can't be tied to any religion. As I struggled with this I landed that I have to disagree. You can't have AMORAL VALUES. It is a contradiction. Something has to give a moral direction to our laws...something will...and I believe that the best for our county is for those values to be Christian, God Honoring Values. I believe it works out best for everyone that way...even those who don't worship my Lord.

SO...I have to tell you to didn't vote this time around. NOT BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT TO. I stood in line like everyone else, pulled out my ID and the volunteer politely told me that my name was not registered. What?! I've voted for the past 22 years! My name has always been on the list. Well, not this year. In the move, Christi's registration change took, mine didn't. It wasn't a conspiracy. It wasn't my just was. This election was an important one, and God saw fit to leave my vote out. Who am I to get angry?

Now, with that all of my chest. Here is what I need to tell you...God doesn't worry too much about our worldly kingdom system. He isn't threatened. He isn't worried. He sets them up and tears them down. (Dan. 2:21) For those who are struggling with the incoming government. I need to share something with you. I know exactly how you feel. The unspoken secret is that for the past 8 years I know many godly, loving people who were scared...for 8 years straight by the decisions that were made...and were to be made. Let me tell you what I told them. Don't picket, Don't angrily protest (I couldn't find God's instruction for us to protest in scripture) Don't lash out. Don't be afraid. Instead, use your passion to be the church!

I told that to many friends over the past few years and now I say it to those friends who sit on the other side of the table. God is calling you to serve, love, meet needs...standing firmly on biblical the bride of Christ and reach out to those who aren't His bride yet. But don't...don't let a human establishment define you more than the family you've been reborn into. Don't let fear turn you against your true family. Use your energy to minister to those who are afraid. Don't tickle their ears, but meet their needs and show them who Christ made you to be.

An African American friend told me once that no president had been treated the way that President Obama was treated...he was right. The way some christians spoke to/about the president was wrong. Some things that were said and done were not acceptable.

Now, I just repeat it, the things being said to, about, done in reaction to President-Elect, it is just as ungodly! Both sides...look in the mirror. No President has ever been our Savior, we have to stop acting like that's what we were voting on.  Be Christian...God honoring, Christ loving in your action. I am not giving testimony to character here, just a testimony to how God has called us to act.

We are not defined by political parties...let's be careful not to act like we are.

We are Family.

We should comfort each other when fear is rising. We should rejoice with each other when times are exciting! I love my family. I can't imagine life without you. Some have moved and I love you from afar. Some live near and I love that I get to love you up close regularly. You mean more to me that I can express.

We are better than how we are being defined right now. We are the beauty of the beloved. The bride of Christ, a city on a hill! Let's not let this election or any election divide us. Stand down, but reach out. If you need a hand...mine is here for you. (I know your's is here for me too.) I love you.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Costa Rica Day 1- Building and Being the Church

What a good 24 hours it has been. Wednesday we flew from Houston prepared for the unknown...which means we really had no clue how this mission would begin.

Our goal was to be the lead team, the first of many to come to Costa Rica and provide help, encouragement and training to local pastors. To equip them to build stronger churches and reach the needy of faith in the community.

How was this going to work? Were pastors going to attend? Would we even be helpful? We truly didn't know what to expect, but 24 hours in...God, as always, is Good.

Pastor Dani picked us up at the airport. We took the long way home. A short stop by a restaurant and then a long, bumpy trip to Tamarindo. 4 pastors and church leaders would be joining us from Casa Vida- Tamarindo. As we stopped by the church we were able to see what God was doing. We got the tour of the place. Open wall sanctuary and the Women's Bible Study was about to being. 2 men were studying how to help people find freedom from their addiction. No matter where we are, struggles exist and the church should be here to help. 

From there we went to the hotel. Teak Pacific. I believe our team and one other group is the only one here. It's nice. The grounds are beautiful, rooms are enough, but the best part is the "lobby" (open air) where we can visit. We met some of the guys grabbed a bite and called it a night! 

We woke up and got going early. We met for breakfast in the lobby. 14 people in all joined us. Some of the pastors from Playa Azul made breakfast. including coffee! We spent time hearing stories, enjoying fellowship and eating some good food! 

After breakfast it was off to the library where we held our morning training session! I was amazed, almost 4 hours of training! The pastors not only share a passion for God's Word, but a true brotherhood with each other! The question were amazing (even though the first 2 hours were almost entirely in Spanish!) the desire to go deeper in God's word and learn how to share it with others was a driving force! Language can be a barrier, but this morning, even those barriers didn't stand in our way! 

After our first session we grabbed lunch as aa team and headed back to the hotel. We then spent a few hours talking about definitions! (I know exciting right? Actually it was!) to unpack God's word from inspiration to revelation was awesome! We had to cut things off just to give our brains a break! I couldn't have imagined that the Lord would allow us to invest and be invested in so greatly today! 

Ended our afternoon with a short walk to the beach for sunset. The day isn't over yet. Still have worship service later tonight! Praying for much fruit tomorrow!