
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Seizing the Can't Miss Moment...

I was reading 1 Samuel 24 this morning as I prepared for the day. I love this passage. In it David has the easiest path to the throne that has ever been afforded a man by his own hand. David and his men are hiding in the cave and Saul makes a "pit stop" all alone in the same cave, never suspecting what he is exposing himself to.

In the background a moment happens. David's men say, "take the easy layup!" This moment MUST be from God! It makes sense doesn't it? There would be no struggle, no more loss of life, we will all walk out together with Saul's head and make our way to the palace. 

Ever had a moment that seemed so easy that you must be from God? Hungry and find a $20 on the ground in the hall at church or a personal fault in a leader only need be exposed and you have the chance to take the place and lead "the right way." I've seen marriages fall apart, children deserted by a father/mother and friendships dissolved because the opportunity that was afforded was so sweet that it must be from God! It's too much money to pass up, a chance to be valued like you've always wanted, this chance could set you up for life and give those who depend on you stability like you never need to consult God on this one, even a child could see this train coming. 

This was the advice from David's men that day. It would be hard to argue in he moment, but David did. Saul, no matter how sinful, was the man leading God's people. David respected the Lord and therefore trusted God to deal with Saul. Can you imagine what would have taken place if David would have taken this "layup?" Friendship with Jonathon...ruined. The enemies of God's people...laughing at the ridulous ending of Israel's first king. David with grandchildren sitting on his lap, saying let me tell you the story of how I became king...cowardly.  Praise God David was not so self centered to simply jump on this once and a lifetime opportunity. 

In verse 15 he says rightly..."Let the Lord decide." The Lord did decide and David became a great king who's story pointed the people of Israel to the coming Messiah. 

Today, before you jump on a can't miss, once in a lifetime opportunity. Take moment, don't assume it is God's will simply because God laid it before you. Seek the Lord's perspective and His clarification on the moment. It may just save you from the fallout of seizing the wrong opportunity.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Gotta have Margins!

Do you remember learning to write on notebook paper in grade school? The rule was simple, "stay within the margins." I should have paid more attention.  I remember in high school getting a "U" for conduct in my English class. I asked the teacher why I had received this and she pointed out that "U" stood for "unconscious." (English followed swim practice).

Margins really didn't make sense to me. The margins were marked by those little red lines that held no power. They always caused you to squeeze in a word when you misjudged your writing room or worse you had to leave a gaping space on that line and start writing on the line below. I was a "squeezer" and many times neglected the margins completely. (In fact if you look at the 50 spiral notebooks in my office you would be sure to find that every margin has been ignored!)

I heard a sermon by Andy Stanley years ago about how important margins are in our lives. It struck me as good insight so I created small margins. These margins are protected from my normal scheduling. They are not dead head TV time or Facebook surfing times, they are simply spaces in my week where I make room.

I found after a while that these margins either must be embraced or replaced. Since I don't sit still well I found something "productive" to do in these margins. FAIL! I began protecting my margins only to write a completely different story in the cramped space that I saved from the normal.

The result: Tired, living on production, moving...getting somewhere even...but not feeling full.

I think margins were what Jesus Addressed in Matthew 11:28
Come to me all you who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest.

How did I get so weary or heavy-burdened? Look in the mirror. Trying to live up to the expectations of others. Trying to make the most out of me. Trying to reach all of the goals that I placed in front of me. I - David Adams - I create the burdens that make me so weary.
  In fact, I protect them! "If I don't..." Someone has to..." "This is too important to fail." 

I am in good company. In scripture God called Moses on a mountain. Elijah into the wilderness. David was kicked out of his kingdom. Paul was was made blind for 3 days. Why? because they were writing their stories and filling up the margins! They were taking up space that was reserved for the Lord! 

You see. I have a lot in common with these guys! I want to make the most of life. When I leave margins open and God doesn't fill them, I assume that He wants me to make the most of them. Almost like he said "Pass" and I am next in line. 

This is a killer. You see. The red lines that mark our margins define space. Our space is between the margins. The outer margins are reserved for teacher notes and comments! Even when the teacher doesn't write in them...they still belong to the teacher.  

I am not saying I am going to slow down, but I am saying I must guard my margins. They don't belong to my kids, my wife, my job, or even to me. They belong to my teacher. When I leave them open...protecting is amazing how on those days how weary I am NOT.