
Sunday, December 28, 2014

When it starts to set in...beautiful moments

Today is our last day at North Woods. 9 years ago God laid this congregation of believers on our hearts. Today they are not simply a congregation but family. We were touched to see a video of baptisms that have happened at NWBC since that time. Almost half of our sanctuary was pictured in those clips...what a gift.

Last month when Christi and I shared it with the kiddos- Connor was strong, but what I saw in Ashley may have been her most beautiful moment. 13 years old- she has gone to elementary and now middle school with the same group of friends. She has people to whom she admires at church. Her band teacher has taught her to dream about the role of music in her life. She had it all planned out. In one moment playing HI/LO at the dinner table (each night we share our high and low of the day with one another) everything changed. When we shared the call that the Lord had placed on our hearts... at the same time she expressed sorrow, pain...and trust.  As I watched her battle with what she felt and what she believed my heart broke and sang at the same time. What a godly young woman I have as a child. I couldn't be more proud.

Last night, we heard Connor in his room. The first tears were being shed by him. This was a surprise. Not the tears, but that these were the first. Today is our last day at North Woods, our house had a contract put on it last week, and we are talking about where we are gong to live. North Woods has been his home...maybe his world...for as long as he can remember. Two of his friends are getting baptized today. The most important people in his life...that he isn't related to...all dwell in the family at North Woods. His closest friends. What a blessing they have been. What a joy. Last night it set I heard his quiet tears last night I called him to me. We sat prayed, talked, and shed a few tears together. He went to bed with a smile on his face. Although we are leaving his home to follow God into the unknown...there is a trust.

As a family we all have had it set in at different on a drive, Christi at a conference. Yet the Lord has brought us all to the same place. A place of trust, not knowing exactly what God has laid before us, but certain that His will is good. His love is enduring. His calling is true. We are excited to go on this new journey and have already felt the love of Christ through many in Pearland.

2 Timothy 4:5 says, "But you be sober in everything, endure hardship, do the work of the evangelist, fulfill your ministry." This has been a verse of comfort through this time in our lives. I know all of these things lay behind and ahead, but God's greatest gifts thus far has been the way that He has spoken to each part of our family over the past couple of months. Our life is His...joyfully...He can have it all.

It has finally set in!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Remember when you were going to change the world?!

Ok...I love this image. As a dad...for sure, but maybe more for what it tells me. No, my kids aren't perfect. If you've met them you know they have their flaws like the rest of us, but I can say with confidence that there are moments...and those moments seem to occur more regularly...that God teaches me something as I watch them.

Remember when you were going to change the world? What life was going to be like when you were an adult? The fullness that your life was going to be? The meaningful place you were going to hold in the universe? As kids we were idealistic, we knew (or believed we knew) what was right, good, and worthwhile. What happened? Are you there? Is life as a grown-up what you thought it would be?

Many times we reason away our life "not as we dreamed it" situation. As a child, we didn't really know what we were talking about. We didn't understand the importance of a nice car, house, the cost of clothing, or electricity. We didn't understand work dynamics, feeling tired, or the responsibility that we do now as an adult. So in other words, we think MATURITY, is what we didn't have as a child that we have now and that maturity helps us accept the compartment we live in. Job...pays the bills. Church...checks off the box. Marriage...not too bad (not a Disney movie either). Maturity, yeah that's it.

Is that what "abundant life" we read about in scripture looks like? I don't think so. I think maybe, just maybe, maturity isn't defined the way we think it is. There are some things we let go of as a child that we should get back! You already knew this didn't you? Isn't it part of the reason we are so committed to our children's football, baseball, band, volleyball games? Do you love participating? I do. It stirs us something in me when I coach, cheer, watch my kids succeed and improve. I love it when they win too! It fills my tank!

I was thinking on these things as I read John chapter 4 this morning. You know, the story of Jesus talking with the woman at the well. (It's a long read but worth it if you can make time for it today.)

You see this woman was mature. She had been following her pursuits as an adult...relationships were plenty in her love life even. Ok, so adulthood wasn't all she thought it would be. In fact, she was at the well around noon. Most people traveled to get water in the morning or evening. It was the social hub for the ladies. (kinda like a biblical Starbucks). Well, she was tired of the drama and the looks. I assume she was just trying to get through the day, hoping for a bright spot or two to relieve her mundane routine.  Now that was the situation in John 4:6-7. 

In John 4:28-42, something changed! She is running into town, talking to everybody! Daring them to dream that their life could be more! There is a light in her eyes and a passion in her speech! She's not intimidated by anything or anyone! She is bold! She is going to change the world!

What happened? JESUS did! Now, I know you may be thinking, I know Jesus...good, don't stop reading! I think there was a truth that changed this woman and will also change you. Jesus said in v.14 that he would give her a "spring of water welling up to eternal life." This doesn't mean she could "get saved" and life would be full. No, this is a promise, a daily, moment by moment promise. A change the world kind of promise! You see our relationship with Christ is active. He constantly is producing this living water in our spirit so you and I will never have to thirst (for meaning, for life to the full) ever. There is only ONE WAY you and I can be thirsty for such things if we have a relationship with Christ...hold your breath. Don't drink it...intentionally. What happens is dehydration. This make you feel weak, tired, restless. Ever felt this way in your faith? You see when you and I first came to know CHRIST, I bet your mouth was open all the time! You were so full of water that everyone you walked by got wet! But somewhere along the way you started holding your breath.  

Can't drink today JESUS...not enough time.
 I have responsibilities that need the best of me today Lord, I'll take a sip when I can, but this is REAL life I am working with. 
My kids need my attention, if I get a break (and feel like it) I will give you some too.

You know all of these MATURE reasons. What if...just maybe-The answer to life abundantly is welling up inside of you and you are just so busy "doing life" that you forgot it. You see our faith IS our way of life. It is the way we change the world! Our faith at work, with our kids, with our wife, in our church, as we travel...everywhere we go our faith in Jesus is welling up waiting to make a splash on the world around us! 

Your Job...mission field. Your family...your disciples. Your church...your filling tank. Make the most of it. Maybe, just maybe, you ARE meant to change the world! I think so. Take a don't ever have to thirst again. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Most Intentional Battle

In one month, I will no longer have a "single digit" child.... There I said it! In a short time Connor turns 10 and will join Ashley in the realm of double digits. Time flies when you're having fun! It seems like it was days ago that Connor was living the "stay at home" life while his big sister went to her first day of school! Here we are, next week our schedule will be filled with volleyball games, baseball practice, piano lessons, children's choir, along side of all of our normal schedules... Knew this day was coming, I have seen so many families juggle this one over the years (some more successfully than others), to be honest with you...I am as excited as I have ever been!

I love my kids. I want them around, I want to spend time with them at every age of life. Oh, that temptation has been there at every stage to selfishly try to stop their maturing. To freeze them in a stage that I am enjoying so much. The battle with guilt over opportunities missed has stood at my door tempting me many times...whispering all that I didn't do or all that I am going to lose. I realized a while ago that this is the enemy. His goal is to distract me from being the parent I have been called to be, so that my kids won't get the godly example in the moments God has ordained for us.

I don't want time to drag, I want to squeeze every drop out of every moment and when that moment is gone, I want to squeeze the next one. Doing this is the most difficult, intentional, and rewarding battle that I have ever engaged in. There are so many times I am reminded by the Holy Spirit to parent my kids for the glory of God. Those times when I am tired, feeling down, irritable, or just plain selfish wanting to make much of what I want to make much of. Those times are the times when I must make an extra effort, as Paul writes in Philippians, to "take every thought captive before The Lord." 

Are my actions going to be subject to the King of Glory? Who do these children really belong to anyway? Who's image do they bear? Who do I want people to see when they see my kids? The answer to all of these questions is, "You Lord, they are Yours!" I don't say this with a tear or with sadness, but with all joy! I am raising my children stand firm, to make the most of every opportunity, to listen to God's voice, to mature in their physical and spiritual life of faith, and to be honest, the instructors God has given them are Christi and me. This means living my faith to the fullest. Running hard after God no matter how I am feeling or what struggles I am in. If I am going to intentionally fight this battle to help equip my kids to be all that God has made them to be, then I must model that battle in my own life, and I must believe it for me too. 

It isn't easy. My mistakes are plenty, both as a person and a parent. The reality is, when I am struggling with what to do, how to parent, or even how to discern if my feelings are godly or not...I don't need to look in the mirror, read a blog (the humor in that just struck me), get Facebook opinions, or even talk to my parents...I first must put both hands around the battle that I am in, wrestle it down, and make it submit to the King of Lord. I believe with all that I am, that when I do this, He will never lead me astray. 

Why do I believe this? Why do I honor His leading/advice more than any other? Because He is my Father. He wants better for me than I want for myself...His love for my family makes my love look dead and dried out. So join me, cut the ropes that you have been holding onto your children with, and "delight yourself in The Lord...He will give you the desires of your heart" (and you'll love every minute of it!)

Monday, August 11, 2014

I want you to know everything-

A few minutes after Christi and I began our morning run, she looks to me and says, "you're calling me." I said,"That's strange, because I am listening to the radio on my phone right now." Well, it was my son Face Timing Christi from my IPad. He wanted to speak with me. 

"Dad, I can't find the remote..." We had been wrestling earlier (a lot of that type of good father/son bonding happens in the Adams' household), and he said that he knew where it was before we wrestled, but now he couldn't find it. He had gone through the normal routine of where it could be and was out of ideas. 

What was my response? "Bud , I am out running. I don't know where it is. I can't see it. What do you want?"  What he said brought a smile to my face.

"Dad, I want you to know everything."

What an amazing admission...I wish I knew everything, but I don't. As parents, dads imparticular, we do all that we can to have the answer to every solution for our kids and family. I think sometimes, if we are honest with ourselves, we would have to admit that we find a lot of value in having an answer for every situation. Problems at school, work, with friends...we love being the goto guys. Ok, maybe I can't speak for you, but I know this is true for me. 

What happens when I have taught my family that I am the answer man, and the day comes when I have to admit...I don't know it all. I don't have all of the answers. What then? That's called a crisis of belief. That's what happens. The foundation of trust and belief that others have built upon...cracked and damaged.

After Connor said that he wanted me to know everything, by God's grace, I answered, "I do too, buddy, but only God knows everything, He's the only dad with all of the answers. I will help you look when I get home."   In that moment, I made a two confessions: I don't know it all and I know who does. 

It is our job, our privilege, as parents to make much of God to our spouse and children. I think we need to recognize every opportunity to do this. Even those times, when we swell up with pride (like I did this morning) when those we love confess how much they rely on and believe in us. It is ok to feel good, to enjoy that trust. 

We have to remember what The Lord spoke in Isaiah chapter 40:28, "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the Everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable."

Next time you don't know the answer, don't hang your head low, lift your eyes up! 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Don't Neglect the Little Things

Christi and I have had a busy summer. Our kiddos were gone for a couple of weeks to the grandparents...I would love to tell you how much free time we had---romantic dates every night and all---but our calendar didn't free up that much!

What we did do though makes us scratch our heads. You see when we moved into our new home 8 years ago, we painted every wall, waxed every floor. We were "Gung-ho" taking care of everything, big and small to make our home look its best.

Well, 8 years later, we had done very little. Paint is dirty from raising 2 kids. Chipped paint marks where chairs have hit the wall one too many times. Tiles that have been cracked since year 2 still mark the floor. Dirty grout marks the kitchen floor and ice falls out of the refrigerator ice maker onto the floor because the guide for the ice has long been broken.

How did it get this way? I mean to the average visitor, you might not notice these things, but to us...they have been more than prominent. Well, this summer we finally decided to try and tackle this list. No kidding, a couple of weeks are gone and this list no longer exists! Everything is cleaned, repaired or replaced!

So why do we scratch our heads when we think about it? Well, we never tackled these things because we thought they would either be out of our skill set or take more time than we had. We have lived with a mess in our house, inconveniences in the kitchen, all because we weren't willing to try the fixes because they APPEARED to be too much for us to tackle.

You know where I'm going with this! Yeah, think of all the little things in your life of faith that you have simply not tackled over the years. All the different areas of your life you have not opened the door to for the Holy Spirit simply because that area APPEARS a little too big of a task to deal with right now.

I bet we share a lot in common. When we first believed, we were "Gung-ho" about letting the Holy Spirit do major overhauls in our life. Over time, we just have gotten tired and overwhelmed at the thought of what it would take to get that area of faith/life back to the full beauty God intends for it. Well, let me give you a word of encouragement. It's not gonna take much! Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit as our Helper and guide. It is He who works in you and through you. If He can revive a dead soul and bring it back to life...well those nicks and cracks in your life of faith are a cakewalk. The reality is, you just have to open the door and let Him work - though you, through others around you, through His power!

      “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. -(Jn 14:26)

Take a moment today. Take account of the areas of your life of faith you have neglected a little more than you wish you would have. Then, in obedience to Christ and by the power that comes by the Holy Spirit, knock those items that have been bugging you off your list. It feels great, I promise!  

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Stop Running with Weights on your Legs!

Another "jog/walk" today. June really threw our schedule off. Between VBS, Camp and rain...we majorly missed our goals! So July we determined to start off differently. It has been going pretty well, until today!

I had a great idea: Walk for 1/2 mile, then run all out for a 1/2 mile...wash rinse repeat until we got home. Sounded like a great idea at the time. The first run was fast (for us) and it felt great! Then the next walk happened. What happened was amazing. My speed at walking was at a pace 2 min/mi slower than my first leg. Before I knew it, it was time to run again. This pace was almost 3 min/mi slower than my first run! My good idea was not working.

I felt great as I prepared for the run and the sprint of the first 1/2 mi was awesome, but after that it felt like I had a 10 pound weight on each leg. It didn't matter if I was walking or was harder than normal. I wasn't that winded. My pulse wasn't racing, my legs were just dragging.

As I muscled through it the Lord kept bringing to mind how often we do this in our Christian walk. Have you ever felt the tug of God on your life? Maybe multiple times throughout life? You "stretch" out and prepare for His Direction, then He gives you a glimpse of His plans and "Pow!"... it's like you just heard the starting gun go off at an Olympic're off! It feels great running so hard for the Lord. The only problem is after a short time, you need a break, your spiritual legs feel like weights are on them, and all of the sudden not only are you "not sprinting" you are hurting, tired, and questioning the Lord.

 In this time ask yourself, "Did God ask you to Sprint? Did he ask you to follow or lead?" Sometimes we are so "ready" to be done waiting that when we get a glimpse of God's plan we take off with a smile...but if God isn't finished speaking, then we are running FROM Him not FOR Him. (and we don't even know it!)

The word persevere ran through my head as I struggled with my legs!

Over and over in scripture God calls believers to persevere! His desire isn't for a man who tires himself out with short sprints of faithfulness, but a man who steadily follows the PACE that God, Himself set for him. 
Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you.
1 Timothy 4:16
I see way too many brothers and sisters in Christ running their spiritual life, looking like they are toiling with weights on their legs as they make their way. You can take those off now. Our race is a long one, not a sprint. Persevere, listen closely and let God set your pace!
 (You get to the goal MUCH quicker!)

Monday, June 30, 2014

Enduring the Heat

It is getting hot in Houston! In reality, I think a lot of people are struggling with the heat in a different way. I was reading Psalms 119 this morning (yeah, the really long chapter!) and stumbled across v. 83. It says:
               Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke, I do not forget your statutes

Now, quite honestly, I have never seen a wineskin in smoke, but as I considered what The Lord wanted to convey to me...the imagery was pretty beautiful. When that wineskin hit the smoke and the heat, it was enduring a process. The heat has to be enough to produce smoke, but not so much that it would scorch the wineskin. In order to dry the wineskin out, it was going to have to endure the heat and smoke slowly, over a period of time before it would be pulled out.

How many times have you felt like you are suffocating in the smoke produced by the heat, the trials in your life? Have you been caught in a time of pressure, not so much to destroy you, but enough to wear you down? Maybe the worst part of it all is that it feels like you have been in the smoke and heat forever with no end in sight. Every Christian I know (me included) has faced times like this. The temptation is to quit or take matters into your own hands. To give God an have been holding out for as long as you can, and He hasn't pulled you you take matters into your own hands. 

I know this temptation...failed that that test a few times.
                                   But we need to see things as they are, not as we feel. 
How? The Psalter says," I do not forget your statues!" Better yet, in verse 97 he puts it this way, " O how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day!" Or maybe you know verse 105 better, " You word is a lamp into my feet or a light to my path." I told Ashley I was in Psalms 119 this morning as I was walking out the door and she says, "have you gotten to verse 109 yet!" "My life is conintually in your hand, Yet I do not forget your law!"

The way that we endure, even find delight in our long trials, droughts, and tribulations is to be saturated by the Word of God. Being filled with his Word is like constantly filling a wineskin with moisture as it spends time in the heat. You won't become won't scorch, you won't even dry out because the well spring of living water that is saturating your life. 

I can't tell you when a trail, especially a long one, will end. One thing I can be sure of is that when those trials are upon God in His word, and follow the light it puts out in your may only be a lamp unto your feet or it could be a bigger light unto your path. Either way, it will always be enough! 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Are you Running Behind?

Many of you know that Christi and I have started running together since March. We have run over 100 miles since we returned from Israel! This is a big deal for both of us! If you would have met Christi when I did (5th grade Sunday School) you would have never thought that a word that would one day describe her is "runner." We love joking about it! I really am not a big fan of running either. I know I need to stay fit and I know that being disciplined in areas that I am not naturally disciplined is a big deal!

That said, Today I needed to be in the office a little early. So when we went running, we didn't have time to do our normal route. As we are running (Christi starts in the lead, and about half way through we switch places), about 1/2 mile in Christi turns around, begins jogging in place, waiting for me to catch up. When I get close enough she asks, "What do you want to do? Which way do you want to go?" Basically, Lead me...

No kidding, I as saw my wife jogging in place, waiting for me to catch up so that I can lead, the Lord opened my eyes! How many times do men (me included) let their wives lead and are happy just to follow? How many wives are running in place hoping that their husbands will get close enough simply to shout out some little bit of leadership in their family life, in their spiritual life?

I think between the shouting of the world at how unimportant gender roles are and the comfortable spot of not having to lead that many men find themselves in...we are leaving our wives out on a limb. They are stunting their spiritual growth because they are waiting on us. Having a good idea of what the plan should be, but longing for their partner, their husband to utter the words and lead.

Listen to what the Lord says in 1 Peter 3:7--
Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.
Men, we are not to put our wives out there to test the waters (Like Jacob did with his as he was approaching Esau). We are to show them honor! We are to value, lead, and protect them as we would a fragile, expensive, valuable vessel.  We can't do that from the back of the pack. We can't do that by letting our wives go their own way or even by letting them run in place. 
Maybe our prayers are being hindered by our lack of leading and caring for our wives. So let's neglect the movements that devalue God's commands for us. Let's be a little more disciplined in our lives so that we aren't always playing catch up with our wives. Pick up the pace, dare to lead and put yourself out there first... 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Late Night Revelations

Just a little insight into me, I cannot eat dinner late at night, it keeps me from sleeping.

Throughout my life I have had countless nights where I woke up an hour or two into my rest and couldn't go back to sleep. If I am being honest, one of the things I look forward to in heaven is that my body won't need the rest that it needs today, and that there is no night! Christi and I talk about this a lot, because she loves sleeping!

One of the reasons I have an aversion to the night is because of my lack of rest many nights. I will wake up and then for 2-3 hours will sit in the silence and think. I think about all kinds of things: that are weighing me down, things that need to be done, and even things out of my influence. I have told myself many times to "stop thinking" so that can go back to sleep...yeah, that never works!

Over the past year or so I have decided that when I have restless nights, I have to focus on something and not just random thoughts. So I open my Bible and look for the RED LETTERS. Well, last night was a RED LETTER night. I read Matthew 9, a passage that I have read any times, but really landed on Matt. 9:37-38.
It says:
                The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, 
                    therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.

Every good pastor knows this passage and loves it, but last night I was caught by the word "earnestly." I don't know if it is because I learned it first in the KJV that says "beseech the Lord," but I wanted to know what the deep meaning of that word earnestly was. So I looked to see what the word was in the Greek. Well, I found that the word earnestly wasn't there. It was simply a word that the translator used to unpack and give the meaning of what Jesus was trying to convey. The Greek word is deomai which means to pray or plead. When I looked deeper into things, I found that the majority of the time this word was used in scripture that it was translated "to beg or begged." This is where the Lord moved in me...

He is calling me to be a beggar! As a pastor I find myself constantly praying for a harvest! Yet, Jesus tells me that what I am praying for is already there! I am praying for the wrong thing! Instead of begging Him for a harvest, I need to be begging Him to send out laborers into the harvest! ME! I need to plead with and beg God to let His kingdom come, and plead for the grace and mercy to be one who labors with the bountiful harvest that He has prepared!

This has changed the way that I will move forward. I don't know how long I begged the Lord to send out laborers, specifically this laborer, last night, but I fell asleep doing it.

It is strange when you realize that a passionate prayer that you have been praying was the wrong prayer. It is also wonderful when the Grace of God wakes you up in the night to fix you and set you on His course...

I want to be a beggar. The Harvest is already plentiful....just not enough beggars...

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Different Holy Week for the Adams

This Easter week is different than most for my family. We have our traditions and church activities that we love. We have a wonderful family and great friends to share in this Holy Week, but this year is different. There is a new twist that my family is facing this Easter.

Today, Christi's "Pop" (grand father) went to be with The Lord. This was not a suprise. For the past few days, we knew that he would soon be home, and I am glad to say that he was ready in every way. I have known Pop well for the past 16 years, ever since I was embraced as part of the family. He was a deacon. That is the way that I would describe him....yes he held the "office," but really that was just who he was. (Some pastor or group of people were just blessed enough to see it and give that title to him one day.) He was a servant of The Lord, Jesus Christ. I got to see this through the eyes that only a few ever did. 

Before I was a part of Christi's family, I didn't know him as Pop, just Christi's grandfather. From this point of view, I saw a man who coveted his family as a gift from The Lord. It seemed as though his ministry was dependant on having his house in order...I mean that in the best possible way. His wife, children and grandchildren alll loved their Pop deeply. His infectious joy for The Lord was a continuous gift to them, and it was displayed in a variety of ways. 

After I married Christi, I was part of the family, an adopted grandchild by Granny and Pop and I became a recipient of the joy from the inside. As a minister, having a Pop has been a major blessing. Oh, Pop always had ideas and wanted to talk shop, but once those talks were over, he would reveal his real goal of the encourage me in the faith and share his pride and joy that we were living out the call that The Lord had placed upon our lives. 

Losing him this week has been a joyful burden at the Adams' home. We will miss him dearly, but the joy of The Lord that he helped sew in us is still evident in this time. Christi, Ashley, Connor and I have talked a lot about Pop this week and sadness has never been a part of our conversation. Connor thinks it is amazing that Pop will get to spend Easter with Jesus...both risen and residing in Heaven. Ashley has joined in with Christi talking about the celebration that will be had on both sides of eternity- in Heaven and the one we will have on our side. It is simple to mourn, but not easy. Pop knows the full love of Christ now and his mirror is no longer dimly lit, but bright as the noon sun! I love that part of Pop's life and legacy...his joy in the love of Christ, was passed to his children, grandchildren, and my children. The gift of having a family that smiles joyfully through their tears when saints fall asleep is beyond repayment. 

When Connor became a Christian he asked why people don't just end their life so they can get to heaven? We laugh about that now, because my answer was that "we are not supposed to cut in line!" Connor, all these years later knows that "cutting in line" is not part of God's plan, because he has seen what it means to "live is Christ." Yet my children, nor anyone in my home, fears death because we know the same Savior that Pop met all those years ago, Jesus Christ. 

"Death, where is your sting?" Jesus destroyed it on that very first Easter and today, His saving work is evidenced in the homecoming that Pop is enjoying today. 

You may or may not have a "Pop" in your life, but this Jesus....our source of joy...He is just as available to you this Holy Week. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

God doesn't compromise...

There are a lot of things that I compromise on... The color of the car I want to buy, the amount of playing time I want to give Connor in football, what we should eat for dinner. Compromise in some areas is actually a good thing. It keeps the peace. There is one area where compromise is not only a bad idea, it puts us on the wrong side of righteousness.

I have been reading Exodus for my morning quiet time this week, and do you know what? God never compromises. Now, some might say, He did with Abraham over Sodom and Gomorrah. Not really, Moses was trying to compromise, but God did exactly what He had determined to do. God doesn't bend to the will of men. There may be no better example of this, than when God called Moses to tell Pharoah to Let His people go. Look at all the places where God was called to compromise.

Chapter 5- Moses first approaches Pharoah with the message. Pharoah's response? The people have too much time on their hands, make their burden heavier! Verse 20-25, the people and Moses say...Why? stop! You have made it worse....compromise. Basically they called for The Lord to settle here with Pharaoh's new terms. But Gid will not compromise.

Chapter 8- After the third plague and with the threat of the fourth, Pharoah offers a compromise. (V.25) go worship, but IN the land. Now this is way better than his first offer! I can imagine the people saying, "take it, this is way better than what we've had." The problem is God's word is God's word. What He says He means. He will not compromise.

Chapter 10- The threat of the 8th plague has bent the resolve of Pharoah. He offers a compromise (v.8-11). You may go out of the land, but only the men. This is a big step! What a deal! The men could leave and worship in the promised land?! The problem was, God word's is not up for compromise, even with such a "great" offer of hope.

(Later in) Chapter 10- after the 9th plague, Pharoah offers his best deal yet. All the people can go, just leave your stuff! Wow! The world today would kill Moses and attack his Lord for denying such an offer. How greedy can you be?  Don't use women and children as pawns to be casualties to your heard headed faith convictions! How much you must hate the people to hold to God's word in light of the harm that you will cause! Heartless, spiteful. God's word was not up for compromise.

Chapter 11:31-32- God's word is filled completely! If the poeple of God would have rejected the truth of God in exchange for peace with Pharoah, not only would they have made the God they worship their enemy, they would never have know the full blessing, the full freedom that comes when we are unwilling to compromise His standards.

In our country churches, Christian charities, moms, dads, and young adults are compromising God's word because of pressure, feelings, desires...a little peace somewhere (inside themselves or with those around them.) The world around us is saying "compromise." You can serve God and use His words however you please. Get the best deal that helps you sleep at night, raise more money, fill more seats at church. The problem is, although we think we are making a good deal for ourselves and God, when we do these things we are actually sell God out, and then pretend that He affirms our word/wants over His. This simply doesn't work. The peace that you have comes because "Pharoah" isn't attacking and the "Egyptians" are smiling, not because God's will has been done. 

I understand. No one wants to be at war. Especially with their child or friend. All indicators point to the fact that if we don't compromise, if we don't tweak God's word, then we will have war. Check this out, the people of Isreal never lifted a hand! In Fact, God tells them in Ex.14:14, don't fight, be still, I've got this! We are called to love and live by the Word of God. Don't steal your own joy by compromising on the Word of God. Don't make yourself and "unintentional" enemy of God by taking a deal that compromises His word. His plans for you and I are too bright! He will  provide, trust Him to not only sustain you, but the protect and let you thrive when you follow Him all the way. (Those whispers that say otherwise are not a new tactic, they've lost the battle many times over, but what else can a dying foe of The Lord do but whisper his threats as he sees his life slipping away?) Don't be, The Lord will fight for you, too!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Back at Home, and Ready to Move!

Well, we made it back home! It was a wonderful trip, but my bed feels better than a hotel any day! We had no problems on our way home (other than enduring a 13 hour flight!) 

No kidding, if you have an extra $150, definitely upgrade seating to premium economy, don't know how I
would have made it home otherwise! Mom and the kids picked us up and I can tell you...I loved seeing my children! Jet lag is still leaving a mark, but hopefully that will end soon. 

I have been considering the best way to share it with you all! If we were to sit down in one session, we wouldn't move for hours! SO---Starting this Wednesday night, on Wednesday Nights and Sunday Nights at North Woods we will walk through the scriptures together! Using Pictures, Stories, and God’s Word we hope to bring to Bible to life in a personal way!

So the Dates of our journey together will be:
Wednesday, March 19th – First Impressions / Culture / Introduction
Sunday, March 23rd – Our time in Jerusalem (Outside the City Walls)
Wednesday, March 26th Jerusalem Continued (Inside the City)
Sunday, March 30th – From Jerusalem to Galilee (Caesarea to Nazareth to Tiberius)

Wednesday, April 2nd – Around the Sea of Galilee (Jesus’ Primary Ministry Area)

I really hope that you will join us for one or all of these special times! I know that many of you "made" the trip with us, and we want to make sure that you hear it from the source and give you the opportunity to ask questions and hear all the things that we couldn't fit in the blog! 

Thanks again for staying with us on this journey! I can't describe how much it meant to us to know that so many of you joined us! 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Hard to Get Better Than This!

Today was right. That is simply the best way to describe it! Every day was wonderful in its own way, but today hit the mark! 

We started the day at 5:40am waiting on the Sunrise. It was supposed to rise at 5:49, but no one told the mountains that! We saw it cresting over the top about 6:05, the reflection on the water...I know why Jesus loved this place. Point of information, it seems like most of Jesus' ministry was on the north and west side of the Sea of Galilee...we are staying on the west side.

Our first stop of the day was in Bethsada. This is where Jesus feed the 5,000. There is a church there. It is the only church that I can say that I loved. The floor was mosaic tiles from the 5th But there was a rock there, now catch this. The Jewish Christians in the area saw this place and this rock as a place of worship since 28 A.D.! Yes, Jesus was around still then! Why did they love this spot? Because they saw him work a miracle here, he fed the 5,000! That was wow! Outside the church was a 5th century baptismal pool. You sat down, and bowed into the water to be baptized!

(The last picture is the baptismal pool)
Next we went to the Mt. of the Beatitudes! This is not far from Bethsada, and from it you can see almost every city that Jesus ministered in! I can imagine He went up this Mt. and prayed over each city as He spent time with the father! We stayed for about an hour and read through scripture as we looked over the sea and cities. I tried to sit facing the way the disciples would have sat to listen to Jesus, simply envisioning the words in my Bible, coming out of my Rabbi, My Lord. A lot is said in those 3 chapters in Matthew. I know that they would have come up many times in the future conversations of this crew. 

Afterwards we went to eat and then onto Capernaum. This is where Peter's mother in law lived, and since Peter was a fisherman, where he lived too. Oh yeah, Jesus called this home as an adult too! In this town, so many miracles occured! The 4 friends lowering the man through the roof, the centurion who had amazing faith asked Jesus to heal his son, and so many more! Once I get here, I get it! I see it all, and can imagine how it all happened! I can't wait to share it with you! I can't describe it to you in words.

Finally, we took a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. On our way to the real boat, we stopped and saw a 2,000 year old boat! What a great visual of the type of boat the disciples may have used! On the boat we delighted in where we were. We read the stories of the storm and Jesus walking on water, we. Spoke of how Jesus could have seen the disciples from the mountain he was praying on, and how he must have smiled, knowing what was about to occur. It was special. 
(The final picture is the view from the boat. You can see the Mt. and the place where Jesus fed the 5,000)
This was a day of taking it in. A reminder of what I have I common with our Savior and how small I am in comparison to who He is! What a Savior we have! It has been a delight to share and see the land of my Lord.

Friday, March 14, 2014

How Precious You Are

Well, today is our last full day in Israel...tomorrow we travel all day (from 6pm Houston time, Saturday until 7:15pm Houston time, Sunday). Today though, can't miss today! Today is cloudless! It is going to be a beautiful one. We woke up to see the most beautiful sunrise! I watched as the sun peaked over the mountain tops and glistened on the sea. The birds flew as if vying to be first to drink deeply of that morning sun. 

As I watched, I read Matt. 5-7. In Chapter 6 , verses 25-26, Jesus reminded me of His love. " Don't be anxious about life...Look at the birds of the air:they neither sow nor reap, nor gather into barns, yet the Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more valuable than they."

The response your heart should jump with is "Yes!" You would be right! With all of the beauty of this land, all of the majesty of creation, we are more precious to The Lord than the sum of it all! Today He has awakened me with a deep reminder that He loves me. I pray that today He will whisper the same to you. Listen....can you hear it?

A Day in Galilee

It was a wonderful day in Galilee. Although I do not think the cities that we visited today look like they did in the times of Christ, I must say the land is beautiful! Today we spent time in Cana, Mt. Tabor, and the Jordan River.

We began the day at our hotel! We are staying on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. It is beautiful. Different than the beauty of Caeserea, but with mountains and the color of the! I wonder how many times Jesus, as he walked along the shoreline, looked at the scene and pictured all he would do.

Things are different since leaving Jerusalem. We have joined up with the group from FPC Houston and are having a great time. We are moving slower, but eating better! So we are making stops, instead of spending the day in one place.

Our first stop today was where Jesus turned the water into wine. There is a church built over the foundation of a home where it is traditionally believed that this miracle occured. In the church they had a water jar from the time of Jesus that would have been like the one that Jesus would have used in the miracle. My guess is that it is nothing like what you have pictured in your mind! take a look below.

After we left from Cana we stopped on Mt. Tabor. Now you may be thinking, what happened on Mt. Tabor? You are not too! I didn't know what to expect from this stop, and it was the most interesting of the day. This mountain is thought to be the location of the Transfiguration! Read Matt. 17:1-13. It was said to be on "the high mountain," which Tabor was often refered to as the high mountain in the region. As I went out on the upper observation deck it was like the Bible flashed through my mind! If Jesus were standing at the top, I thought of where the disciples would sit. From the mountain you could see Megiddo and the Valley of Jezreel. So much of the Old Testament occured in this valley! In Judges, Deborah and Barak were here, in Samuel, part of Saul's anointing process was here, the Philistines would later kill Saul and Jonathon here in the valley at the base of Mt. Gilboa. One day, this very valley may mark the final battle, where The Lord finishes things once and for all!  What a beautiful view through time!

From there we stopped for lunch and then went on to the Jordan River. Now, this is not the place where Jesus was baptized, but it is the same river! It was beautiful. The natural beauty and the clarity in the water! I was baptized in a pond as a child...this water was much cleaner and clear! There were many people getting "rebaptized" in a group (from KSBJ). I am not a superfan for rebaptism, just for ceremony, but I can celebrate with them desiring to have something else in common with my Lord! 

I could sit in each of these places from hours, talking with The Lord, and allowing Him to be my tutor. (That is part of the gift of the Holy Spirit you know!) It was a short day, but Lord willing we will have strength in store for tomorrow! It should be filled with even more to delight in! A boat ride across the Sea of Galilee, a stop in Capernium, a visit to the location where Jesus fed the 5,000, and finally a stop at the place where Jesus gave the Sermon on the mount.  It has been good, every day is sweeter, and this will be a week that Christi and I will share forever. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

From Acts and Back

Today we are visiting Caesera Maritime, Mt. Carmel, Nazareth, and we will finish in Tiberias. 

Ok...kid in a candy store today. The road may not be the same, but we are traveling the route that the disciples knew well. Our first stop is Caesarea by the Sea. This isn't Caesarea Philippi (where Jesus was in Matt. And Mark), but it is still a great place especially for us non-Jews! It was a friendly place for the Gospel, the final stop for old Phillip after he witnessed to the Ethipoian eunuch, and where Paul spent many days. After his conversion, the disciples in Jerusalem "smuggled" him here for saftey, and it is the last place Paul stepped in Isreal. He was jailed here, but Felix gave him liberty because he knew of the Way. This is also where Paul appealed to Caesar here (and the Gospel spread to Rome!). BUT...Caesarea is where Cornelius the Centurion lived.  The one who had the vision! Peter was led to go and pronounce the Gentiles as "clean" to become a part of God's family. The Holy Spirit fell upon the Gentiles here (for the first recorded time) and the world changed! My heart jumps for joy to think that I am privileged to delight in the roots of our faith! Praise God that the Holy Spirit has fallen on me! Sweet Gift of God!

Ok, that was amazing! The most beautiful place! I can see why it was where Pilate lived! This was the last view Paul saw of his homeland.

Now, we are on to Mt. Carmel! Yes, where Elijah had the showdown with the prohphets of Baal! 1 vs. 450! Yet the 1 wasn't Elijah, it was The Lord! No contest! On this mountain, King David met Abigail and Samuel and Saul went to worship. It is really a series of mountains over 24 miles long!

We stopped for lunch and then on to Nazareth! This is the place where it was announced to Mary that she will be the mother of the Messiah, and the place where Jesus grew up! Now, we didn't get to stop at the church of the annunciation (the place presumed that Mary was told about her role in history), but instead we stopped by the Arab Israli Bible Society. This is run by a young woman who is charged with leading the ministry to get the Word into the hands of millions in the upper Galilee area. In five years, what she and her husband are accomplishing is amazing! From children's books, to magazines, to getting the word to Muslim women (which she and they risk much to do) it was an amazing stop...I must say, the faith and devotion to spreading the Kingdom is incredible! If every church had 20 people that devoted in our country - Revival would be the norm, not simply a prayer. I was challenged and inspired today. God is so good!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Day in Bethlehem

It has been a remarkable week. One of our ladies prayed for it to go by slowly for us, and it has so far! Today we spent the day in Palestine! We ran into a good friend from Ft. Worth while we were there, and that was the biggest suprise of the day!

We only made a couple of stops while in Bethlehem. It is outside of Israel in Palestine. Do you know that 30% of the people living in Palestine claim Christ as Lord. I didn't, until today! Pretty cool!

We stopped at the Shepherd's field first. It is the traditional spot where people believe that the shepherds were told about the baby being born to Mary...Our Savior, Christ the Lord! It was cold and rainy, so we didn't get to spend much time outside on the property. There was a large cave. Shepherds we're known to herd their flock into caves (this one had a wide mouth) to help pen them in at night! I thought this was really great. Way easier to watch sheep when they can only get out one side, than trying to lay them in the pasture and have to guard every side. When I picture it, I think of the words of Hosea, how God hemmed in Gomer so that she would have no where else to turn but towards him...I think that we as sheep, and a wayward wife should be grateful that The Lord holds us safe like a shepherd!

Afterwards we went to the "Shepherd's Tent Valley Restaurant." We sat in groups of about 8 and shared a meal, family style. We joined up with the other group and got to know a couple of new friends! It was a great environment, I know why the poeple love to eat and recline in such a way.

Finally we went to the Church of the Nativity. I have to tell you that I was suprised by what meant the most to me. The church was beautiful and lavishly decorated. You had to bow down to get into the church (I love this, it really can knock the pride out of you if you refuse to be humbled!) The area of the cave is marked where it is thought the manger may have laid and where Jesus may have been born. It was nice. This area was a humble area of Bethlehem. BUT, the most humbling time for me, came when we were standing in line surrounded by Nigerians, Koreans, and other nationalities. I look around and thought, "In Heaven this is what it is going to look like. All of these races and nations waiting on every word of our Lord, with one purpose in worshiping Him. I was out numbered if you count by skin color...I loved it! God isn't color blind, He delights in the colors of His children, and so did I. Oh, I can't wait for that glorious day!"

Attached to the church in another cave is where Jerome translated the Bible into Latin, the Vulgate. I thought this was pretty cool, because this was the first time that people could read The Bible in their common language if they weren't fluent in Greek and Hebrew! 

All in all a humbling day.

I will tell you something if you ever make the trip. It is weird being a westerner here. Christi's uncle, Bill, said it best. The sites we've seen will either be venerated or preserved. Many of these sites have been venerated. This means they have been marked in extravagant ways to glorify God and draw people's attention to them. For me, it has been hard. I don't care about the decor. I don't even care about the rocks or dirt, I care about the event that occured here. The decor distracts me from the event and it is easy for me to become judgemental. I prefer the preserved sites. Don't mess them up, I just want to enjoy them as closely preserved as possible to the time of Christ. While that works best for me, other cultures express their worship in different ways, and what hinders me, may help them and vice versa. So as you see the pictures, or if you make the trip. Remember it is not the work of man that you are coming to worship, but the actions of a gracious Lord.

Tomorrow we head to Ceseara by the Sea, Nazareth, and Tiberius. (Megiddo is on the way, so I am hoping we will stop there too!)