
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

This is my Family

I wish I had the patience to put 1,000 more pictures in this collage! I love my family. So often, when I say family, it is just the picture in the middle of them all that people think of. My family is SO much more! It reaches around the world, beyond city limits, across cultures. Outside of my relationship with Christ, it is my most valuable gift in this life!

Do you know what the people in the pictures all have in common? They have been loved by God, but not only that, they have embraced that love by exchanging their life for the life God offered them through Christ Jesus! This bond is more important than blood, borders, and political parties. They win in my book...if anything threatens to rip us will not stand (or at least I would do all that I can to break down that barrier). I love them so much, if they win and I lose...I celebrate with them. When they hurt, I am in pain. If they they celebrate...even hundreds or thousands of miles away...I do too. If they stumble and fall in their faith, I want to be there to help (not just tickle their ears). Do you know what? I know they feel the same way about me! Family is amazing!

Something has been happening in our family. (The family called the church) Things are dividing us. Preferences. Perspectives. Soft Hearts. Hard Hearts. Can I tell you that I understand, but it's not ok.

My Family has a value system (given by our Father)

A famous Pastor's wife and her husband, in reaction to the harshness of some christians, recently called homosexuality "holy." I have read and reread their perspectives and their conclusions. Honestly, it has little to do with the Bible (although I know they would disagree), but more to do with the pain that was being inflicted on people's lives by the staunchness of God's word...and honestly, the anger of some who have been its conduit. I get it. My heart breaks for this too. Why, because it is a family issue. Those who are in the family and those who I pray will one day be a part of it.  Here's the truth...Eph. 4:14-15 tells us that we weren't meant to be tossed around by crafty, cunning, even sweet attempts to placate those in or outside of our family...instead speak the truth in LOVE. This leads to maturity, growth. That's what I want for my family.

God didn't make us to be saved and still captured to sin. 

I love my family too much to try to make scripture leave them that way. God came to set us all free from the deep sin that has bound us to death. God saved me and my family to know a full that is beyond the trials that ends in hope. That hope, won't disappoint (Rom. 5:5) So, no, I can't encourage my family to think that a life bound to sin is holy...I just love them too much. 

Listen..."speak the truth in LOVE." Church, this means us! We live in a world where it feels like the message is either APPROVE OF ME or YOU HATE ME. I get it. It breaks my heart and often frustrates me too. That doesn't give us a right to stop loving. It doesn't give us a right to lash out in anger. Make threats or laugh when we feel like "our view is winning." That's not how family acts. We ARE held to a higher standard. We HAVE to act, live, speak above the fray. If we don't...we...and no one to blame for the division that is rupturing the church. We can be strong and firm, but still show a passionate love. (I mean, I do it daily with my children...and Christi does it with me!) 

Jesus was truthful with those outside the family, but stern in his correction of those claiming to be in the family. We need to stop yelling at or pacifying those who are lost and hurting in sin's grasp and start correcting and rebuking with God's Word (2 Tim 3:16) those who are acting in an ungodly way towards others. 

You may already assume this, but let em put it in print. Anyone claiming Christ and watering down God's are in sin, stop. You are leading others to death. To anyone painting hate, spewing hate, pushing back, making others feel small or letting your personal bias hurt the church or those for whom Christ are sinning, stop

My Family is Multi-Racial and I LOVE IT!

I was talking to a friend one time that said in their church a deacon teaching Sunday School wouldn't use the curriculum that month because it featured a family that was a different color on it. My blood started to boil! How insane! This person in a slave to sin! If I were his pastor, he would be de-deaconed, de-commissioned and put under discipline to lead him to repentance and restoration. 

Church, especially those who are of my complexion ;) I know that the vast majority, if not all of those close to me know this and agree, but we need to say it out is not a privilege to be born a certain color. Every skin tone that God has given is a gift! The variety of skin tones in the world is a blessing! We should honor those who look different. Love the diversity. Heaven will look that let's start the party now! This is going to take understanding, and believe me, as we draw near to those who's skin is different, you will find out that you see the world from different points of view. You may even be tempted to say, "that's silly, why would you think about such and such that way." Don't say that. Instead receive it, don't defend, don't lash out, let it settle and speak words of encouragement (Heb. 3:13). Love by listening. I've not been a minority in America, so who am I to say what it feels like? I can love my family, especially those of a different color, and let them know that I am with them. I will care for them as family. I will love them as family. I will defend them as family...because they are. (It's hard to wipe the smile off my face as I write this!) 

Now, tenderly. To those who are in my family, who are a different color or come from a different culture. You are called to minister to those who God has created in a different color or culture than you also. I need to to be alert to the enemy. (1 Peter 5:8).  I'm not talking some mythical enemy, but the one who whispers in your ear. Who tells you to interpret someone's actions or opinion in a negative way. Who would tell you to assume what has offended you is intentional or worse "deep seeded" even "subliminal" hate. Hoping that way is sinning. (1 Cor. 13:7) 

Our Family love, hopes the best. 

Don't talk around to people who will agree with your offense. Go and visit with a brother or sister who has offended you.  Share your perspective and give them opportunity to unpack their words or actions...then trust them. Love them enough to believe them, even if you core struggles with this.

No matter our race, our family is multi-racial and we can't have it any other way. Christianity is not a "race first" religion. It is a Christ first, melting pot religion...Wow! What a masterpiece!

My family is never needs to worry. 

The election...whew. I have been so careful in how I have spoken about this. Some people I know think I hate "Trump," (I don't) while others believe I hate "Hilary."(again, I don't) I don't know if that means I've done a good job or a bad one. (Truth is, probably both at different times)

I need to open up a little. The Bible is not up for a vote. I can't vote for any platform that directly opposes tenants of the Word. Listen, I party Republican, Democrat, Green, Libertarian, etc has a "bible specific" platform, but for me. their are lives that can't protect themselves that I cannot give up on for convenience. For example, our bodies are not our own, we've been bought with a price.(1 Cor. 6:20) I believe in life. Even those who have sinned so much that death is a sentence...I hope for repentance, not to champion their death. I want our family to grow! I want our world to be cared for and creation to declare God's beauty! It's not about making's about relationship built upon God's foundation and you and I reaching out to those who need that life changing love!

I have spoken with people I love talking of how our laws in the States can't be tied to Christianity. They can't be tied to any religion. As I struggled with this I landed that I have to disagree. You can't have AMORAL VALUES. It is a contradiction. Something has to give a moral direction to our laws...something will...and I believe that the best for our county is for those values to be Christian, God Honoring Values. I believe it works out best for everyone that way...even those who don't worship my Lord.

SO...I have to tell you to didn't vote this time around. NOT BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT TO. I stood in line like everyone else, pulled out my ID and the volunteer politely told me that my name was not registered. What?! I've voted for the past 22 years! My name has always been on the list. Well, not this year. In the move, Christi's registration change took, mine didn't. It wasn't a conspiracy. It wasn't my just was. This election was an important one, and God saw fit to leave my vote out. Who am I to get angry?

Now, with that all of my chest. Here is what I need to tell you...God doesn't worry too much about our worldly kingdom system. He isn't threatened. He isn't worried. He sets them up and tears them down. (Dan. 2:21) For those who are struggling with the incoming government. I need to share something with you. I know exactly how you feel. The unspoken secret is that for the past 8 years I know many godly, loving people who were scared...for 8 years straight by the decisions that were made...and were to be made. Let me tell you what I told them. Don't picket, Don't angrily protest (I couldn't find God's instruction for us to protest in scripture) Don't lash out. Don't be afraid. Instead, use your passion to be the church!

I told that to many friends over the past few years and now I say it to those friends who sit on the other side of the table. God is calling you to serve, love, meet needs...standing firmly on biblical the bride of Christ and reach out to those who aren't His bride yet. But don't...don't let a human establishment define you more than the family you've been reborn into. Don't let fear turn you against your true family. Use your energy to minister to those who are afraid. Don't tickle their ears, but meet their needs and show them who Christ made you to be.

An African American friend told me once that no president had been treated the way that President Obama was treated...he was right. The way some christians spoke to/about the president was wrong. Some things that were said and done were not acceptable.

Now, I just repeat it, the things being said to, about, done in reaction to President-Elect, it is just as ungodly! Both sides...look in the mirror. No President has ever been our Savior, we have to stop acting like that's what we were voting on.  Be Christian...God honoring, Christ loving in your action. I am not giving testimony to character here, just a testimony to how God has called us to act.

We are not defined by political parties...let's be careful not to act like we are.

We are Family.

We should comfort each other when fear is rising. We should rejoice with each other when times are exciting! I love my family. I can't imagine life without you. Some have moved and I love you from afar. Some live near and I love that I get to love you up close regularly. You mean more to me that I can express.

We are better than how we are being defined right now. We are the beauty of the beloved. The bride of Christ, a city on a hill! Let's not let this election or any election divide us. Stand down, but reach out. If you need a hand...mine is here for you. (I know your's is here for me too.) I love you.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Costa Rica Day 1- Building and Being the Church

What a good 24 hours it has been. Wednesday we flew from Houston prepared for the unknown...which means we really had no clue how this mission would begin.

Our goal was to be the lead team, the first of many to come to Costa Rica and provide help, encouragement and training to local pastors. To equip them to build stronger churches and reach the needy of faith in the community.

How was this going to work? Were pastors going to attend? Would we even be helpful? We truly didn't know what to expect, but 24 hours in...God, as always, is Good.

Pastor Dani picked us up at the airport. We took the long way home. A short stop by a restaurant and then a long, bumpy trip to Tamarindo. 4 pastors and church leaders would be joining us from Casa Vida- Tamarindo. As we stopped by the church we were able to see what God was doing. We got the tour of the place. Open wall sanctuary and the Women's Bible Study was about to being. 2 men were studying how to help people find freedom from their addiction. No matter where we are, struggles exist and the church should be here to help. 

From there we went to the hotel. Teak Pacific. I believe our team and one other group is the only one here. It's nice. The grounds are beautiful, rooms are enough, but the best part is the "lobby" (open air) where we can visit. We met some of the guys grabbed a bite and called it a night! 

We woke up and got going early. We met for breakfast in the lobby. 14 people in all joined us. Some of the pastors from Playa Azul made breakfast. including coffee! We spent time hearing stories, enjoying fellowship and eating some good food! 

After breakfast it was off to the library where we held our morning training session! I was amazed, almost 4 hours of training! The pastors not only share a passion for God's Word, but a true brotherhood with each other! The question were amazing (even though the first 2 hours were almost entirely in Spanish!) the desire to go deeper in God's word and learn how to share it with others was a driving force! Language can be a barrier, but this morning, even those barriers didn't stand in our way! 

After our first session we grabbed lunch as aa team and headed back to the hotel. We then spent a few hours talking about definitions! (I know exciting right? Actually it was!) to unpack God's word from inspiration to revelation was awesome! We had to cut things off just to give our brains a break! I couldn't have imagined that the Lord would allow us to invest and be invested in so greatly today! 

Ended our afternoon with a short walk to the beach for sunset. The day isn't over yet. Still have worship service later tonight! Praying for much fruit tomorrow!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Forgiveness: My Lifeguard Retreat

Growing up I did the unthinkable. Not 10 seconds after I did it, did I wish it could be undone.

As a teenager I was a lifeguard during the summers. Not a bad gig, but one year, I forgot to renew my Life guard and CPR certifications in a timely fashion. So to get it done in time I had to pay to go to an overnight "retreat" where you could get all the hours you needed in two days instead of 2 weeks (I can't remember how long it was supposed to take exactly, all I know is it was too long!)

I really thought my procrastination had brought me to brilliance, time saved! I was a swimmer, this would be no problem. I could rock this and be the top of the class! Well, it wasn't my ability that was the problem, it was my "uniform." I was a swimmer after all. In the 90's we didn't have the modest bicycle short suits of uniform was a Speedo. You know the one I am talking about...the ones that make you cringe! Yep, I wore that. I mean, why not? All my friends wore this every day. No problem, it was part of the gig...Well NOT at "Lifeguard Retreat!" (sounds like a bad 80's title doesn't it)

The moment I walked out in it, i wish I could undo it. Man, 3 guys would become my Mortal Enemies for the weekend. They wouldn't stop. I thought beating them in a competition would work, Nope. I changed into a "normal suit" for the rest of the weekend, Nope. I even tried ignoring them, Nope. They were out for blood, and it was my self-esteem. After the closing ceremony where your parents came to pick you up I went back to the cabinet find all of my stuff scattered all over the cabin and campgrounds...Not my most exciting moment in life. It hurt. 

Today I was reading Matthew 18:21-35. Jesus tells the story of the man forgiven MUCH and yet how he was unwilling to give forgiveness, for what in comparison to the debt he owed, was very minor. His unwillingness to forgive the one indebted to him resulted in the King's punishment. 

The warning is clear v.35 - So my heavenly Father will do to everyone of you, if you do not forgive your brother FROM YOUR HEART.

Jesus makes it clear, if we belong to God, we are called to live out lives that bring Him glory. How can we do this? Love Generously, Show Mercy, and Forgive Quickly. 

I read this and for the first time in decades I thought about that weekend retreat. Those guys were not my friends that weekend, but in the big scheme of things their actions don't even make the radar of my life and surely their actions don't warrant me holding onto un-forgiveness that is an offense to my Lord.  For the record...forgiven ;) I know as adults you and I can name 100 harder instances of offense than this, but the truth is still the same. 

I think it's time take our eyes off the offenses that others bring to our table and keep our eyes open to the mercy that God show us daily. No one has ever been won over by hate, piercing glares, the cold shoulder, stealthy FB posts, anger or harsh words. In fact, that's not even our goal! Hum, if it is, we'd all be toast. 

So stop trying to forgive, by helping the other person react in a way that confirms your forgiveness "Worked." Just forgive. Our audience is the King! The relationship that we are guarding the most is with the Lord. Let your forgiveness come from the heart that has been healed by the blood of your Savior. God may change the heart of the brother you forgive...and He may not. That's His call, not ours. In forgiveness, you'll be set free! 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Focus on the 40!

I heard someone ask the other day,

"How do you decide if a group photo is good?"

"Who do you look for first?"

Funny thing is... I knew my answer! If everyone in the picture looks great, but I look like a goober...I don't think it is a good picture!  Isn't it funny how we look for ourselves!
       ok, maybe it's just me :)

In my quiet time this morning I was reading Ps. 105! It is a great Passage! The beginning stuck me! It appeared to have a pattern! The first 5 verses really focus on:

What I should do TO God!            give thanks, call (v.1) sing praises (2), Seek(4)
What I should do FOR God!         make known (v.1) tell all (2)
What I should do IN RESPONSE to God!           rejoice (v.3) Remember (v.5)

All of this is True! It is pretty clear that I should do all of these things and God is calling me to action...BUT

Then I read the next 40 pattern  disappeared into the greatness of God's Faithfulness! The next 40 verses have nothing to do with what I can do for God, they are filled with How God has shown His great love for His people! His has always been good! He has always brought us through! He has always protected and provided for those He loves!

The Psalmist spent 8 TIMES more time sharing about WHO GOD IS and WHAT HE HAS DONE, than he spent on me! In this one chapter, I became overwhelmed with the reality that there are so many times in life that I look for "ME" in God's working, when the truth is...God wants me to see "HIM!"  When I stare at the greatness of God in these 40 verses, my "5" seem like a joy filled natural response, not a chore or a job! In light of His 40, my "5" don't take much at all, in fact, it's kinda silly that I even need to be reminded of them.

So if you want to join me today, take a minute to read Ps. 105...don't skip the "5," but definitely let yourself get wrapped up in the 40!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Love Thy Neighbor as Yourself

And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the most important of all?” Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”  - Mark 12:28-31

The events of the last week have caused me, like many of you, to do a gut check. Violence, not an isolated incident, but as a thread in the fabric of our American Culture has been evident. Honestly, my emotions have ranged from sad, to angry, to confused. Really, my heart hurts. I enjoy writing posts on family...that was my first thought, but then it hit me...this is my family. There is no condoning what has happened. The families involved need our heartfelt and sincere prayers. They also need us to take a step back and look in two places for guidance and clarity: Scripture & the Mirror. 

GRACE: What a beautiful word. It is a word that wraps up God's action towards us. Undeserved favor. (heavy on the undeserved) We cling to this word as Christians. We know that without it, we are hopeless. We, our own toughest critics, thank Jesus for it quickly, share it with our children instantly, our spouses freely and with many friends over time....the progression is intentional. We understand US and those closest to us. We believe we understand others. We assign our opinion to their motives and often are ready to extend grace...when they come to us and repent, all they have to do is say, "I'm sorry," or "I was wrong." 
Church---This is NOT grace. 

In Matthew 18:21-35, Jesus tells the story of the man who was forgiven much. He was grateful for GRACE, but when he was wronged by another he was not willing to give what he had just received. What was the warning to this unforgiving man? It was not that he was justified in holding a grudge. It was not pointing out that the man in debt is getting what he deserved. It was not praise for being true to how he felt. No, the Master called him "wicked" and delivered him over to punishment. Jesus closes by saying, "So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.” (v.35)

Church, the world will not change because of policy or principle. We will not find relief in picketing, FB or Twitter rants, or famous people holding up a banner. No, the vast majority of the world denies Jesus as the One True God. Therefore we cannot expect them to hold to our truths. 

No, the world will change when WE as Christians understand this. WE are the 'Light of the World.' WE are to be the peacemakers. WE are to suffer so that others can see Christ. If salt loses it's saltiness, then what is it good for? WE must lead.

So what are we to do?

LOVE.- Love God and Love people. Not just those who we "like," but all who bear the image of God. This isn't being fake, it's letting what Christ has done in us become visible. There is no person who has wronged us, greater than we have wronged God. It's time for us to embrace that truth. Stirring up movements that attack another brother is sin. Holding a grudge, is a sin. Posting on FB a post to garner personal support or sympathy at the expense of our sin. We are called to build up, not tear down. Church, we must love our Neighbor as ourself. Quick to forgive, slow to get angry. We must take our thoughts captive before we become the unmerciful servant, and be ready to love. It will free your soul! 

LISTEN.- How many times does Jesus say...'LISTEN' or 'HEAR?' We have to understand this. People are different, God designed it this way. It's beautiful and we are a tapestry that is pleasing to God! We know 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.' Yet we assume that we understand people of other cultures without taking time to ask and listen to their stories. In the conversations I have had with people who don't share my identical story, do you know what I have discovered? They see live a little differently than me. Many of our assumptions are wrong, and we need to change that. Now you may be saying, people need to come to the table so that we can talk about things. You may even say, I'm waiting at the table and no-one will join me. 
What if you are at the WRONG TABLE? 
When is the last time you asked for perspective from another brother or sister? Openly, honestly, sincerely...ready to listen, not ready to cut them off to defend your Point of View? 

PRAY.-You and I are NOT enough. We look in the mirror and see our history of failures covered by the veil of Christ. You and I can't fix this. Outside of Christ, we become an unbiblical church/"christian." We must lean into Christ. WE must cry out, hand in hand with all of those who claim Christ Crucified and Resurrected. Yes, pray in secret, but we must also not isolated ourselves, we must come together. It is time for FERVENT, GOD-FEARING prayer christian. 


We must step across the picket lines (that we may have setup), humble ourselves, and stop waiting on a official or government entity to "get it right." We must put all of our eggs in the Lord's basket. We must love the Lord and Love our neighbor...Who is my neighbor? The friend we have pushed away, the hurting families in the news, the angry/scared brother of a different skin tone, the neighbor who doesn't speak your same language...we must love them. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Coffee Prayers and Perspective

Last full day of vacation. It has been a really good week. Waking up to a cup of coffee and the view of the mountains...does it get better than this? To help slow myself down, I've been doing "coffee prayers." All too often I pray for a moment and then jump straight into my Bible study. This week, I have used my first cup of coffee as a prayer time. I'm not done praying, until I'm done sipping. It really has helped elongate my time with the Lord in prayer. 

This morning during my coffee prayer, the mountains were covered with clouds.  The rain was drizzling. 
In that moment it stuck me that I have never paid attention to the clouds from this perspective before. Most the time I am looking up at the morning clouds hoping that the sun is back there somewhere about to burn them up and open up the sky. Today I was eye level with the clouds. Staying at 10,000 feet changes the way I hoped for the clouds to fade away and the sun to appear. 
I could see the sun go to work. No, I couldn't see the sun, but with every passing moment I watched more and more of the town below appear. From the ground, it is hard to know that the sun is at work. We look up and we see consistent cloud cover, but from Elevation, it is easy to see all the work that is being done.

In this moment (it takes much longer to write than it did to see) I began to pray. I want to see life from the Lord's perspective. I want to endure the clouds with a certainty that the dreariness of the moment WILL NOT LAST. I want to lead with the confidence of being "sure of what I hope for and certain of what I cannot see."

To be a husband that doesn't get defeated when he has a disagreement with his wife, a dad who doesn't get swept up in the moment of my child's accomplishments or failures, a friend who holds at bay a quip when nerves run thin, a pastor who can see beyond the moment to what lies ahead. All of these things are so tough from sea level. You know, that shallow part of your faith that prays quickly and spends a 1 minute devotional with God. I want to live a faith at 10,000 feet! Giving generously, loving freely, trusting fully and believing whole-heartedly. 

The air is thin up here. My body tells me that life is easier at sea level, but my faith reminds me that  the life I was made for is in the heavens, not below.

Friday, May 13, 2016

In the Beginning God...not man

I have stayed pretty quiet on many of the political debates raging in our country. Not because they are unimportant or I lack an opinion (if you know me, I always have an opinion), but more so, because I have not felt compelled to speak...until now. 

My compulsion doesn't come from a place of anger or fear Romans 8:28 provides us with a peace

 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."

I believe fully what scripture tells us. If I, and anyone else who professes Christ, truly trusts the Lord and loves Him... heart, mind and body...God, Himself, is working for His good and mine. If God is for me, what power does any man have to stand against Him? 

My compulsion comes from a need to REPEAT, not create. My opinion is not that important. Instead,  I feel like I need to repeat what Scripture says on the issue of gender. Is this a proclamation? Sure, but it is also a reminder. A reminder to those who claim that name of Christ, those who would label themselves "christian" or "Christ-follower." 

Read what God wrote in Genesis 1:27

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Gender is "God Assigned," not man given. It is not determined by a short-sighted doctor at delivery. This is the beauty of knowing God is BIGGER than us. How many illegitimate, life-changing decisions would I have made as a teenager going through puberty if I would have been told that my ways were higher than His? Haven't we all felt uncomfortable in our own skin at times and wanted to change something? What has kept us from trying to over-ride His ways? Christ alone, and praise God, He protected me from such a low view of Him. 

You see, some things are God assigned. I truly believe that the conversation that has embraced our country from the White House to voices in our local community is not an attack on American values. I believe it is the scheme of sinful man to once again attack our Creator. It is disguised well? Yes, but do not be fooled, you Christian are not the main target. Baseball and Cracker-Jacks...the American Dream is not its foe. No, this one is aimed at Christ, Himself. 

Where do we stand?
 Whom else would I stand with, Christ holds the words to eternal life.  (John 6:68)

What shall I do? 
The Lord will fight for still (Ex. 14:14)

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” (Rom. 12:19)

Church we are called to trust the Lord, live for Him and stand with Him. If we sin in our actions "fighting for God" we squeeze Him out of the situation. We must behave in a way that people "will see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven."  And if it comes to it, and we are asked, like the disciples in Acts 5, to obey a command that is an attack against God, then our actions and answers are already given... 

"But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men."

Church, be alert. Be faithful. Be loving. 

In these things, know that the one who is being attacked has been attacked since the fall. He was not concerned then, and He is not threatened now. 

Pray without ceasing and make sure that you are careful where you stand, lest you fall. 
Keep your eyes on Him, follow His command, stand firm in your faith. 

We know who has already won this one!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Celebrate Your Progress

It is our first full day on a cruise. So far, so good. Christi and I both begin the 2nd leg of life this week. Of our 40 years of life, we have known each other for 3/4 of it and have loved each other 1/2 of it. Pretty awesome when you consider that!

We have endured, overcome, and celebrated more than I could ever put into words...and I was reminded of that this morning.

Last night we went through a storm on the boat. We are on the 10th deck, so the swaying was obvious. When I got out this morning the evidence of what we had gone through was obvious. Everything was soaked, tied down and the sky was still cloudy and dark. I went to the side to have my morning quiet time and just took in my surrounding. Although we were in the dark, I could see in the distance a big patch of light and we were headed for it. It was pretty cool, knowing the we would soon be in the sun and I could see the ocean in the full light of day! Since it was a ways out, I sat down and spent some time reading.

Isaiah 40---one of my favorite, if not my favorite, chapters in all of scripture. V.12 says,

Who has measured the waters in the hallow of His hand, and marked off the heavens by the span, and calculated the dust of the earth by the measure, and weighed the mountains in a balance.

As I considered how incredible God was, I looked up. Couldn't see the patch of light we were once headed toward. I looked around and all I could see were dark patches in the distance. Then the weight of it all sat in...I was in the light patch, it just wasn't the full light that I had thought I saw in the distance. I had a choice, mourn the fact that the "relief" that I thought awaited me was not so bright, or be excited that I had come through a dark time and even in the "light" there was still more to come!

This is marriage! God has created a beautiful scene for a man and woman. How many lives have fallen apart when they made it through the dark times to the light patch. When they realized it wasn't the end, only progress...they quit.  GOD DIDN'T DESIGN YOU TO QUIT IN THE PROGRESS, BUT TO REJOICE IN IT!

Christi and I have not arrived! Praise God! That means there is more....much more... to come! As I look back, I thank God that we endured the dark spots and have no desire to go back. I rejoice that God led us the bright spots in our past...looking back, even some of those seem dark in comparison to the light we love each other in now. How amazing is it that even now, we have not reached the finish line, but our GREAT GOD has still brighter places for us to seek!

Who could conceive of such a plan? Not me, I want Point A to Point B as fast as you can. But God in His greatness wants me to celebrate the progress, not just endure the road.

Not sure when on this cruise we will see the sun uninhibited, but it will get here eventually. Of that I am sure. Until then, I'll make the most of the progress we've made this far!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

When the past fuels present...

Sitting in the coffee shop (isn't that where every pastor studies?) this morning there was a man with 2 adopted sons close by. As I studied, I smiled, but then I heard it...that familiar song that I haven't heard in years.

"Your backyard friends, the Backyardigans..."

Can you hear their high-pitched voices singing in your head? You're welcome.

It was funny because last night before we went to bed flipping through Amazon Prime, we came across a show called "Tiny Planets." (Ashley loved this in her first year of life!) All of the sudden the last 12 hours became obviously memory filled. Do you have such triggers? Things that you haven't thought about in years, or decades even, yet the moment you encounter them again you are brought back to the time, place, of a moment?

Depending on your present circumstances these triggers from the past can make you long for "simpler times." Those joy filled moments. Today with the time commitments of older children, the promotions in your work that come with more responsibility, or even the slight downturn in energy that you are experiencing as 40 approaches (I still have 3 months as a 30-something), isn't it easy to want to go back? At least to visit.  Just to have your pump primed with a longer moment of joy than just your moment now?

What if you were to go back? I think you would get more than you imagined! I would. As a One year old, I loved watching my daughter play in captivated by the images she saw on the screen (for all of you secretly judging me now for putting my 1 year old in front to of the TV, it was a 6 min. show) I wondered what she was thinking. THEN... I remember the countless nights crying in the hall as she wouldn't go to bed, the food she wouldn't eat, diapers (enough said), fits, was a stressful time in life...SLEEP was gold, and money was thin...dates consisted of sitting on the back porch while Ashely took a nap.

I could go through a list of things that would be a mixed bag of wonder and weariness with Connor too.

Why do I remember such times with joy when I hear a song or see a picture? I don't want to go back, yet I miss some of its pieces. Do I try to relive it? Recreate it? No, CPS might have some negative words about that one!

The Past is so beautiful because of the present! When I look at my older children, I see how those moments in the past grew up! The imagination of a One year old, now is the creativity of a young lady. The delight in fictitious friendships, now displayed as the joy of an 11 year old who loves teams in every shape, form and fashion. The Present has proven the past. The link is hardly recognizable unless we take a moment to see it!

Things/Times that were trials have blossomed into beauty!

Romans 5 says it this way:
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. (NLT)

We are reminded in our faith that the stresses of today blossom into the beauty of tomorrow! In our faith we can look fondly on the past, not to relive them, but to see how Christ has matured us...proven His promises to us! How things that captured us, were simply fuel to strengthen us in Christ today! And those of today...for tomorrow.

As a dad. There are moments that I miss for sure, but today I have been reminded that those moments are still here with me...simply grown up! Evidence that God's promises are true.