
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Celebrate Your Progress

It is our first full day on a cruise. So far, so good. Christi and I both begin the 2nd leg of life this week. Of our 40 years of life, we have known each other for 3/4 of it and have loved each other 1/2 of it. Pretty awesome when you consider that!

We have endured, overcome, and celebrated more than I could ever put into words...and I was reminded of that this morning.

Last night we went through a storm on the boat. We are on the 10th deck, so the swaying was obvious. When I got out this morning the evidence of what we had gone through was obvious. Everything was soaked, tied down and the sky was still cloudy and dark. I went to the side to have my morning quiet time and just took in my surrounding. Although we were in the dark, I could see in the distance a big patch of light and we were headed for it. It was pretty cool, knowing the we would soon be in the sun and I could see the ocean in the full light of day! Since it was a ways out, I sat down and spent some time reading.

Isaiah 40---one of my favorite, if not my favorite, chapters in all of scripture. V.12 says,

Who has measured the waters in the hallow of His hand, and marked off the heavens by the span, and calculated the dust of the earth by the measure, and weighed the mountains in a balance.

As I considered how incredible God was, I looked up. Couldn't see the patch of light we were once headed toward. I looked around and all I could see were dark patches in the distance. Then the weight of it all sat in...I was in the light patch, it just wasn't the full light that I had thought I saw in the distance. I had a choice, mourn the fact that the "relief" that I thought awaited me was not so bright, or be excited that I had come through a dark time and even in the "light" there was still more to come!

This is marriage! God has created a beautiful scene for a man and woman. How many lives have fallen apart when they made it through the dark times to the light patch. When they realized it wasn't the end, only progress...they quit.  GOD DIDN'T DESIGN YOU TO QUIT IN THE PROGRESS, BUT TO REJOICE IN IT!

Christi and I have not arrived! Praise God! That means there is more....much more... to come! As I look back, I thank God that we endured the dark spots and have no desire to go back. I rejoice that God led us the bright spots in our past...looking back, even some of those seem dark in comparison to the light we love each other in now. How amazing is it that even now, we have not reached the finish line, but our GREAT GOD has still brighter places for us to seek!

Who could conceive of such a plan? Not me, I want Point A to Point B as fast as you can. But God in His greatness wants me to celebrate the progress, not just endure the road.

Not sure when on this cruise we will see the sun uninhibited, but it will get here eventually. Of that I am sure. Until then, I'll make the most of the progress we've made this far!

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